  • Success Stories
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    Success Stories

    I explained to him our services and asked if she could get more time with her daughter besides the allowed one-hour-a-week. He said he would ask the Judge.

    The attorney asked me if I would be willing to testify for LK's behalf. I got it approved by my supervisor and I did.

    It was tough, as I have never been on a witness stand and felt the pressure from the Prosecutor. I spoke up for my client and plead for them not to look at her past failures. I testified that since Sept 2019, LK has not missed and would not miss any appointment in the future. The attorney told me that the Judge was impressed and that I would finish my next testimony at the next court hearing.

    Just when things start to get clearer, Corona Virus hit, and the courts were closed.

    One day, I received a call from CPS, and he said that there is a strong possibility that LK would be getting her daughter back into her home. It was a moment of happiness. On April 28th, the CSP called again and said that the Judge approved LK’s case, and that LK was granted to be on an extended visit to her daughter – an opportunity for LK to show the court that she will take good care for her daughter.

    April 30th was the day. The daughter came home to be with her mommy!

    LK is adjusting well to her new mommy role and she has a lot of support from her A Bright Future, Inc. staff every day.

    Watch their touching reunion on the button below.